Louise Rachlis' Fundraiser

Louise Rachlis' Fundraiser

20 plus years and going strong

It’s hard to believe, but it has now been more than two decades since I received a diagnosis of “acoustic neuroma”, followed by gamma knife radiosurgery.

I’m delighted to tell everyone that I have been fine since. I still receive yearly MRIs - which have shown the tumour hasn’t grown - and no other treatment has been needed except hearing aids for my one-sided deafness.

At age 77, I continue to write, exercise, enjoy my family, and do whatever I want. It is heartening that 20 years on there is much more understanding and earlier diagnosis. I’m happy to help raise public awareness of acoustic neuroma and to support those in the ANAC community.

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32 days left

Fundraiser created by
Louise Rachlis
Ontario, Canada


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